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I know this is kind of lame to hear again, but I might have to take a little personal time this month to work through some personal issues that I don't wish to disclose publicly. It's not related to the workload at all so please don't worry about that. If for some reason I foresee another significant delay (more than a week) on the way I can potentially pause my Patreon for next month to catch up on things, unless you all want to keep sending money my way during another delay (which I appreciate, although I also want to make sure you are all getting what you've paid me for). I also still have a pic or two that I can post in the meantime.

I will try to draw again in a few days but I might not be streaming for a while. I still intend to finish more owed work this month, I just need to be careful about how hard I work while I resolve this matter. I appreciate you all respecting my privacy during this time and your continued support of my work.


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