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As some of you have no doubt noticed I haven't posted April poll stuff yet, and I haven't caught up as much as I thought I was going to this month. I'd like to offer my apologies for going bi-monthly again although I'm going to have to merge April and May. If I can, I will put out an extra poll for May, although I will at least make sure the $10 and up patrons can get their suggestions and nominations for this month in, and there will be something for the $3 and $5 patrons to vote on before April is over.

The poll is probably going to be a new Lancer pic for the voting incentive on Top Webcomics, although rather than just dump a couple prompts into a poll I'm also curious in hearing what you guys are actually interested in seeing as a voting incentive. Another pinup? A comic? Specific characters? Etc. This is not so much me asking for suggestions to include in a poll but rather, trying to get a read on the room for what you guys would respond well to.


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