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There was a goof up earlier regarding the silver tier poll for the Valentine's Day poll and I accidentally set it to only gold-tier access instead of silver tier. It was late at night when I posted it and nobody said anything, but I want to apologize for my mistake as it meant a lot of silver tier members did not get their second vote. I'm sorry I messed that up and I will try to do better.

I know it's not a full consolation, but you'll get a chance to vote on what specifically is getting drawn for the Valentine's Day pic. I just drafted a bunch of thumbnail sketches and will be putting up a second poll for the Valentine's Day pic, and I just need to clean a few of them up a little more so they'll be ready to post.

Again, if I make a mistake, if someone brings it up early enough I can do something to rectify it. In this case I didn't know about the issue until this morning, but I should have been more careful. I hope you all are not too disappointed.



OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!! jk all is good hopefully