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So, I am running really behind schedule on getting this month's polls going. I thought I'd be all caught up on the sketch and color pics by now although I'm still a bit behind and I figured I owed you guys an update on how things are coming along. I got roped into house sitting for my parents this week which was a little disruptive to my monthly cycle too. The colorized pillow fight pic is all done and most of the sketches what you see here are almost ready to post with some of my usual tone technique and some additional details and tweaks on others. I am getting pretty close to caught up overall, with, as I recall, two more color pics to finish and a handfull of sketches.

I will be posting the color nomination and sketch suggestsion posts today, along with a Valentine's Day themed color poll. Since I'm still lagging a bit, and february is the short month, things are gonna end up spilling over again but I intend for this to be the last time it happens for the forseeable future. One of my new year's resolutions has been to work faster and sadly I'm not off to a great start, but it's improving. I'll still have some kind of interactive poll thing for February since I don't think it would be fair to end up completely doubling up the months on my patreon twice in a row, and if you are in one of the lower tiers I apologize that things worked out that way this month. For those of you who are enjoying Lancer I also want to make sure I get back onto my every-other-week schedule instead of this horrible monthly funk I've allowed it to slip into.

Thank you all for your support! I'll do my best to earn it.




Looking forward to more Lancer!


Really? All it takes is a bra strap?