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There's been a bit of a recurring problem over the last few months regarding sketch suggestions that go over Patreon's 135 ASCII character limit. The reason I have that written out in bold text in the rules is because when I go to copy and paste a sketch suggestion, and it doesn't fit, it does not appear at all in Patreon's poll creation form. The way I've been dealing with it is to edit the suggestion down until it meets Patreon's character limit, but the problem is, sometimes I don't realize that a suggestion is too big.

I am not gonna name any names, but there have been a few instances in the last years where I've had to re-launch the poll because there was a suggestion that I forgot to edit down, and because it did not appear when I copied and pasted it, I didn't realize it wasn't included in the poll until after it was created.

Because there are a lot of people who are ignoring the 135 character limit during the sketch suggestion process, I'm going to have to start doing some tough love because I can't really keep going on this this, hence why I am making a slight change to the rule. Effective in July, if a sketch suggestion does not meet Patreon's 135 ASCII character limit, it will not be included in the poll.

I understand that this is a strict sounding rule, but currently all of the responsibility has been falling on me to edit down the sketch suggestions that do not comply, and I still make mistakes sometimes that can potentially result in someone's suggestion not being included when I go to post the poll, which means having to re-create it and re-launch it. I think it's going to be better for everyone if I leave that responsibility on the people making the sketch suggestions. I can better ensure that you are making the most economical use of your words and that your ideas are being conveyed the way you want.

To make this transition easier, when I post the sketch suggestions post, I will include a link to a web-based ascii character counter to make things as simple as possible for you all. Hopefully after this new rule, everyone will be diligent about keeping their suggestions as tight as possible so that no suggestion gets left behind.


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