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The first pic is a little something I started doodling on a whim tonight. I've been thinking for a while about designing some flags for the fox clans of House Fenris and I whipped up some quick concepts for the red fox, arctic fox, and crab eating fox clans. The other pic is a sketch I did quite a while ago but didn't bother uploading anywhere until now, and it seems appropriate to include it here.

This is all very rough early concept art but eventually I'll refine and work it into what will make its way into the comic and merchandise. I'd like to be able to at least offer some merch featuring Clan Renard's heraldry (the red fox clan).

Since you guys have been waiting patiently for me to finish up some of the owed work, I can at least show you some stuff you haven't seen yet in the meantime!



Garrett Simpson

Ooh, world building is always fun!