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So, updates have been a bit slow lately because of a number of family crises that kind of stacked on top of each other, but the one most relevant to you guys, which I feel like I should disclose since you are paying me to work, is that I caught "that thing that's been going around" and it's affected my ability to be productive. I am still working on all the drawings, and I'm hopeful that I'll still have one or two more done before the month ends (as well as a rewards pack), although I should let you guys know that I have had to sleep a lot more than I normally do, and that means I can't do any crunch until I get better.

I'm still going to open my Patreon page back up in January and I'm still working on art, it's just been a bit of a slog and I don't know how much longer it's going to last.



Oh jeez, dude. I really hope you feel better and your condition doesn’t get worse. Don’t overwork yourself while you’re fighting covid.


Hope you get better, not sure if you were vaxed or not but hope the virus's effects are not too harsh. Though if you feel winded or unable to breathe go to the Hospital immediately!


I think it's good to rest when resting. In my personal opinion, I like your drawing activities, and I think I can wait for it as long as it is not the worst case, such as a sudden stop. '~'