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If you're seeing this post, you're eligible to nominate a previous sketch to be done as a full-HQ color illustration for the month of May! I'm a little late this month but I'm almost caught up, so things shouldn't be too far behind schedule.

Here are your instructions:

1) View the official sketch archive

2) On every picture in the info column, there is a number and a name. Example: " 3H Krystal"

3) Copy the aforementioned text from the image you want to see colored, and paste it in the comments section below. Do this on or before Friday the 21st.

4) At 5 PM (EST) on Friday the 21st, nominations end.

5) At 8 PM on Friday the 21st (approximately), general voting begins.

Make sure you get your nomination posted here no later than Friday the 21st so I can make sure it's included in the poll. There may be some flex room but once the poll's been posted I can't change what's on it.

If you are a long-term $10 and up supporter and I do not receive a nomination from you in the comments below, I may include a recent nomination on your behalf if one is available depending on how many nominations are submitted.



10Z Keith, Nat, and the Northern Couple

Mike Barth

5L Jhilazi (kilrathi pilot)