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So, February was a bit of a flop for me. Not only did I have to cover for someone at work who got sick, but then I went and got sick, and between that there was a minor family crisis which I do not wish to disclose too much about. All of this was very poorly timed seeing as I had two days less to work with. My drawing suffered and I was not able to deliver on everything I was supposed to, but I am going to start this month the right way by getting the polls up and running on the first day of the month.

The in-progress works from January are almost finished and will be here shortly. I am confident I will be caught up by the time this month's sketch and archive polls close. I apologize for anyone who signed up for the first time in February and was not able to get the rewards they paid for and I want to try and make things right without falling into the same mess of having too many projects due all at once. If any of you have any suggestions within reason for this, like maybe drawing extra sketches from the sketch poll this month, I'm all ears.

Next time I find myself in a situation where I am massively behind on my work at the start of the month, I might have to make the difficult call and pause charges, which would sting a lot but I don't want to be in a situation where I promise to get your backer incentives out and then fail to do so after being paid for it.


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