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All colored! I haven't drawn an actual comic in quite a while and this has been pretty fun so far. Thankfully doing it with inks and this level of color quality didn't take as long as I feared it might and I think I will be able to get this all tied up in 4-5 pages.

The one question that remains is whether or not to do a cover image. I already have a sketch that would work out well as the cover if I color it (it was the inspiration for doing this comic), but if I were to try for it, it may interfere with my ability to deliver my regular coloring poll this month.

I will do a poll for backers to see if you guys would prefer I do a cover page for this comic, or do a regular poll with multiple image options (which would all be Carmelita themed this month anyway). Stay tuned!




I like it. :3 (You can't see security lasers)