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And 2B. After the unfortunate events in '2B defends the village', 2B returns to her base of operations, only to find out that villagers saw her misfortune and reported it to Yorha Command.

Result is, of course, massive embarassment of 2B, but there is more than that. 2B is ordered to go through complex checkup - her superiors need to be sure she wasn't corrupted by alien influence. And that is what this current movie is all about.

Checkup takes place in a large test tube with rather peculiar chair and a... "specialized organism", that performs the tests. Over time you'll learn more about the organism, there will be other characters talking and walking and all that, but this week, I chose to focus on...

Tentacles - will be one of the big features of this movie. I made a few movies with tentacles in the past, but none like this. There will be many of them, often several active at the same time, and different types will appear over time to do different things.

Working with tentacles is always a huge challenge, but the results this week are already promising. Feelers are more resposive and precise than ever before - better than in my recent Widowmaker video, for example.

To see for yourself, watch this week's new video: '2B needs a checkup - first scenes'. It is already 3 minutes long and vast majority of it is tentacle action! I hope you like it - I doubt I ever made better tentacle content than this!

So, this week focused on first group of tentacles - multiple thinner feelers. Over the next few weeks, there will be more types appearing while I also craft the larger story and characters that will show up in this movie.

In the end, this should be full, long, story-driven video, similar to many "full episodes" I made in the past. It will be complicated and hard work, as it is created entirely in Blender - but that also means greater visual quality.

Check this image below - how often do you see that level of detail in a close-up scene? Certainly there are better animators than me on the scene, but when it comes to body detail like this, I'd like to think I aim for the top.

Recent poll result - 2B's blindfold

Poll ended on wednesday, let us see the results. Combining votes from both my patreon and subscribestar, and adjusting for increased voting power of higher supporter tiers, results are like this:

1) 2B keeps her blindfold - 18 votes
2) 2B has no blindfold - 12 votes

So, results are pretty clear, eh? Except that on patreon, option 1 clearly won, but on subscribestar, option 2 was victorious. Soo... yeah.

So what should I do here. With option 1 getting more votes overall, I guess that will be the starting point - 2B has her visor.

But I probably should reflect the wish of the other group, so maybe 2B looses her visor sometime during the movie, or maybe I'll make some extra scenes without blindfold as bonus video. We'll see, it will be something like that.

Thanks for voting! Next week, more 2B and more tentacles.



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