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Looks like we are starting this month with a surprise.. an unexpected winner of our latest poll. We will go over the results, but first, let me thank all of you who stayed with me another month.

Many patrons quit lately, which always suck, but that is even more reason to appreciate those of you who are staying. Cheers! :-)

So, the poll! Combining votes from both of my support sites, results are here:

1) Aerith - 19 votes
2) Tifa - 11 votes
3) 2B - 3 votes
3) Cortana - 3 votes

Congratulations to Aerith for winning the poll! I guess you fine folks aimed for cute rather than busty this time. Fair enough! Aerith will get her own extra video - it will arrive sometime before the end of next week.

Tifa ranked second, gathering 11 votes - not a bad result. She is consistently popular among my audience, and I can certainly understand why. I'm sure we will see more of her soon.

Last couple of months were mostly dedicated to adventures of 2B, and I guess some fatigue has set in, as 2B lost this poll completely. Understandable, you want to see other characters.

Although 2B will get another chance - early this month there should be a poll, where I ask you whether I should add more scenes to movie '2B in Wolf Skull Fortress', including scenes with 2B herself.

And lastly Cortana - new character that was here only briefly, I am not surprised she lost. There is always next time! (because there will be third Waifu Wars poll eventually)

Moving on! What are my plans for the month of September?

New video for this week will arrive on sunday - just in a day or so. Results of this week's dabbling in Blender - I am trying to create my first tentacle animation in Blender, and it is as complicated as ever, but I'll manage.

Next week, Aerith's video. Also, the poll mentioned above. Depending on its results, there are many different videos I might be making later, we will see which it is. 

I will be also changing passwords to my website soon - you'll just get new message (or mail) with new pass, there should be no problems or other changes for you. Stay tuned!



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