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The "Which creature" poll has now concluded, let us go over the results. There were a lot of votes, especially on patreon, spread over many categories.

Results combine votes from patreon and subscribestar, and reflect increased voting power of higher patron tiers. Thanks to everybody for voting!

1) Monster, humanoid ---- 08
2) Monster, exotic --------- 17
3) Beast, natural ----------- 18
4) Tentacles ---------------- 25
5) Insect(-oids) ------------ 22
6) Arachnids --------------- 24
7) Mechanical -------------- 02
8) Undead ------------------ 07
9) Man/futa ---------------- 01

The battle for victory was very dramatic this time around, with several categories having nearly equal amount of votes. This is a big change from last year's poll, where number 5 won in a landslide, and several categories got almost no votes.

Results also match the advice Cthulhu gave to Bishop in the small comics I made for the poll - I made it as a joke, parody of the talk in Call of Cthulhu episode 7... but hey, who would argue with that monster? I understand you didn't want to vote against him. :-)

Results of this poll will have an influence on future movies, starting with next month's project. As of yet unannounced, but there were some hints in the past.

Closer look at the categories, from most to least votes:

Tentacles - 25 votes
The most difficult to work with category won, that is a real curveball. Ok, I'll see what I can do. Tentacles are always a challenge, but get great reception from any audience... seriously, I never seen anyone saying they hate tentacles!

Arachnids - 24 votes
I can already see it - I will soon be attacked by every arachnophobe on the internet. Oh well, with this category nearly winning, skittering menace is now unavoidable.

Insect(-oids) - 22 votes

They won last year's poll, and are still very popular today. Thus, their presence in my videos is guaranteed. The creepier the better, I got your (scary) message!

Beast, natural - 18 votes
Getting big boost from subscribestar, this category just barely claimed 4th place. I could make a lot of content with these, but since this category is the most controversial and often frowned upon, I should be careful..

Monster, exotic - 17 votes
The more bizarre, the better, eh? 5th place is nothing to write home about, but they still collected a lot of votes, and thus deserve some time in a spotlight. This is a broad category too, would be a shame to disregard it.

Monster, humanoid - 8 votes
First of the loosers of this poll is a surprise to me - this is a huge category with tons of different creatures to choose from. Alas, this is how the votes fell.

Since this category is so broad and very versatile, I will still have to use them on occasion, simply because it would be difficult to make many videos, if I discarded everything humanoid. I guess they did get some votes, at least...

Undead - 7 votes
Not fond of walking dead, eh? Truly, an undead existence is a cursed one. This is the last category to get enough votes to be worth considering, but this type of creature will appear only very rarely in my videos.

Mechanical - 2 votes
Looks like there was a power surge in this poll, and all the robots short-circuited. Nearly no votes, what few plans I had for automatons and the like, are now on hold.

Human male - 1 vote
Yep, people do not join me for vanilla content, and this poll confirmed that. Which is fine, I will focus on the strange and unusual, leave the 'default' stuff to others.


So much for the poll - thanks to all voters. In just a couple of day, first extra vid for Strange Evil will arrive. That's the one where I will experiment with x-rays and internal stuff. Stay tuned for more!



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