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I've got something pretty nice for you this time, as I worked on two videos over the last week, and now I uploaded the results online for you to see.

First one is, of course, eighth episode of Cthulhu. The video on mediafire has grown from 5 to 9 minutes, completing the first half of 'Revelations' story

While this first half is perhaps less impactful than the second half will be, I am very happy about getting it done, as last week's video ended kind of in the middle of things. The new version is much more wholesome.

Second video is called 'Happened in the city' (work-in-progress version). As I mentioned last week, Cthulhu episode 8 will be story-driven so much, there won't be much space for 'spicy action' scenes. And I felt that people who joined me for nsfw stuff only might feel cheated.

Solution? Work harder and make extra video that focuses mostly on 'action'. So that is what 'Happened in the city' is. So far, there are 3 minutes online, with more to come over next couple of weeks. So that video *might* get pretty big too.

I should add that so far, all of the 'action' in that video is focused on the 'backdoor', if you get my drift. I only ever made very few videos that 'went through the back entrance', and these often looked pretty bad (like Cthulhu ep4).

But, I have made some strides in this regard, improved physics since then, and this extra video is an opportunity to work on it further. Scenes in this new video should already look better than any previous 'back door' content, but I hope I will make even better scenes in the future. That's the plan anyway...

I will cover the question of possible integration of this new video into episode 8 in the future, because this post is already super long, and I still have to talk about results of last week's poll!

The question of art style - poll

Combining votes from both of my support sites and adjusting for different voting power of different tiers, results are:

  1. Liked Borderlands style, make more --- 6 votes
  2. OK with Borderlands - neutral option - 4 votes
  3. Experiment even more, go wild -------- 5 votes
  4. Default style is the best, stick with it -- 14 votes

So the default, clean 3D style won by wide margin, and I will stick with it for almost all videos going forward. 

Since Borderlands took second place, we might see sequel to that video in more distant future. 

Thanks to all of you for voting!



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