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Hey everyone!

Wanted to take some time today to update you all on the progress of Kingdom of Passion as well as an update on when you might be able to play the first build!

== Map Progress ==

Thankfully, the initial overwhelming feeling of creating a whole new Valencia-like map is starting to fade away and I'm beginning to feel very happy with how things have been progressing!

Working on different parts of the main town/hub area and already planning future secrets and hidden spots for players to find has become therapeutic in a way.  All of those feelings when working on ToP's map are coming back to me and it's gotten me quite hooked on map building atm!

I still have much more to get done but as far as an Alpha build is concerned, I do think I'm starting to reach a point that feels playable pretty soon.

== Release Date/Plans ==

I'm still hoping to have some form of a playable build out by the end of this month.  But I'm also noticing the month quickly ticking away.

Releasing some sort of Alpha, or even pre-Alpha update this month will help me stay on track with the other games I work on which is why it's such a high priority.  But, as many have mentioned, you'd rather play a quality update than a rushed one so I'm keeping that in mind too.

In another week or so, I'll take another look at the overall progress of the game and see if there's anything worth sharing yet for players.  Maybe even a short tech-demo of sorts for Patrons just so you can at least see some of the early progress?  I'll be sure to keep you all updated as the month continues on!

== Developer Log ==

Figured I'd add a section just to share some of my thoughts/excitement with KoP.

I've been feeling nostalgic about Town of Passion for quite some time and working on Kingdom of Passion has already begun to feel like home in a way.  It's an exciting feeling that has me looking forward to more updates.

So far, I'm questioning what elements of ToP should return, and what things should be adjusted.  Stats, for example.  I wouldn't mind bringing back the Strength, Agility, Charm, and Intelligence system but I would want to make it feel a little less tedious and more rewarding.  

Additionally, I'm revisiting some scrapped ideas from ToP.  For example, I never intended on players leaving the town in ToP.  Most of the game was going to take place underneath Valencia in secret dungeons.  Maybe this time around, the castle is hiding some secrets underneath it?  I have some really fun ideas that I can't wait to try.

Lastly, relationships. Something I want to try in KoP is expanding on the romantic connection the player can have with each character.  Don't want to spill all of my secrets/plans but this is another area of the game I'm very excited to explore.

But in the meantime?  Back to map design!


Thank you all so much for supporting Kingdom of Passion!  I'll see you soon with one more character intro as well as a teaser at a NSFW moment involving the Queen ;)

See you all soon with more news & teasers!




I am really hyped for this project, I loved the original and I am sure this one will be awesome as well. Take your time Siren, I am sure that in the end it will be worth the wait