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Hey everyone!

I'm happy to share that the final release date plans for Sexy Quest v1.0 are now determined with 100% certainty!

== Release Date ==

Sexy Quest v1.0 will release on itch this Saturday, June 17th!

(Due to time zone differences, the release may be on Sunday for time zones on the eastern hemisphere)

The game is in the final clean-up stages now so there is no longer any concern about further delays or setbacks.  Once again, thank you all so much for your patience!  Having extra time to finish up the game has been incredibly helpful.

== New Pricing ==

Additionally, I am changing the launch price of Sexy Quest.  Originally, it was going to sell for $5.  The new price of Sexy Quest will be $4.  A slight discount from the initial planned price.  

For approximately 1 month after it's release, $3+ Patrons will still receive a download key to the game if they link their Patreon account to their itch.io account.

== $10+/$15+ Patrons ==

$10+/$15+ Patrons will still be able to access the art bundle here on Patreon until after Kingdom of Passion releases.  Afterwards, the rewards will switch to the new game.  The bundle will also be available to purchase on itch (Price TBD)


That's everything for this update!  I'm so excited to share v1.0 of Sexy Quest with you all!  I'll see all of you adventurers soon with the official release =D



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