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Hey everyone!  I wanted to break the silence with another progress report detailing how the update is going along as well as upcoming plans for next year!

== Update Progress ==

The next update to SQ is still in it's early stages but I should have more to share soon including a sneak peek NSFW teaser later this month for $3+ Patrons!  

A few new characters should be getting revealed in this update!  Those teasers should also start very soon for $1+ Patrons.  It's been a busy holiday season so I haven't had quite as much time to do my usual screenshot sneak peeks.

The lead artist for Sexy Quest, Chronnellian, is actually moving countries this month so be sure to wish Chronne a safe and head-ache free moving process!  This shouldn't really affect the development time of SQ but once Chronne is settled in we'll be hitting the ground running with some extra NSFW content on top of just the main story! 

== 2022 Plans ==

In a recent update, I mentioned that Sexy Quest is actually planned to be mostly completed by the end of 2022.  Ideally, I'd love to be able to put a bow on the game and finalize it by the end of next year.  No guarantees that'll happen but it does have me wondering what comes next.

I want to start tackling some smaller scale games.  Sexy Quest, being a JRPG, added a lot more work to my plate than I intended.  So much so that 2021 became quite an overwhelming year.  I'm settling into the new work load now but I'd like to reduce it a bit moving forward.

Town of Passion: I've been really fixated on this story/world and want to make some side story games or something after SQ is complete.  Maybe the MC and some friends take a visit to neighboring regions?  Or maybe a short visual novel explores the old Valencian Prince & Queen?  I don't know yet.  But I'd love to potentially return to the world that started it all and build upon that.  (This would only be after SQ is finished!)


That's everything for this update!  I should have a sneak peak post up by then but I hope everyone has a happy holiday season!

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you all very soon with some NSFW teasers and character reveals!


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