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Hey everyone!

Short and sweet update today and possibly the very last update until the ACTUAL update to Town of Passion.

== Release Date ==

I'm targeting a Friday, June 25th release date for $5+ ToP Patrons!  This means the public release would be Monday June 28th.

HOWEVER- If I manage to finish everything early and feel ready to release the update, I'll release it sooner so keep your eyes peeled for a surprise drop potentially.  

Was hoping to have it released at the end of this week but there's a lot of tiny nit picks and details I want to make sure I spend time on.  This could very likely be the last ToP update so I want to make sure I'm fully satisfied with it!


That's everything!  Thank you all for your support and I will see you all soon ;)



It's great that you put all your effort into creating quality content! And your desire to make this last update perfectly is understandable! Keep it up!