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Hey everyone!

The $10/$15 Patreon rewards have been updated to include the v1.0 content!  I've also gone and cleaned up some of the previous links so there's a little less clutter.

$10 Goddess Reward HUB

$15 Treasure Trove HUB


My apologies, this was supposed to be updated yesterday and it completely slipped my mind until tonight X_X  Usually the day after a game update, I take some time to decompress but that's also the day I usually update the $10/$15 rewards so you can see how that might be troublesome haha.

Anyways, don't forget, the public update will be releasing tomorrow for this latest update to Town of Passion!  This update will come with a few minor bug fixes from the Beta test build too.  There was a sequence break discovered from an older event involving Rose & Mary so this should fix this.

Thank you all so much for supporting!  See you soon with the public release =D



Nevermind. I had written April 18th as the release date for these rewards. Past Me knew that Future (current) Me would forget on Saturday lol Hope you all are having a good weekend!


what is the code for the cheat rock?