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Hey everyone!

This update took many different drafts to write up.  Eventually, I figured just creating a roadmap would be the best way to explain what's going on!

== ToP v1.0 ==

This is the update I've been talking about recently.  The 'final' update may not actually be the final one lol... (surprise surprise...)

This update focuses on Nyx and will add at least the start of the Bunny Girls getting NSFW scenes.  v1.0 is mostly meant to wrap up the game and add in some final features to make the game feel 'complete'.

RELEASE DATE: It's still a bit too soon to announce a release window for this update but it should be coming up very soon!  Most of the art is complete, I'm just waiting on some finishing touches.  

== ToP v1.1 ==

This update is meant to be a bonus update where I try and squeeze in as much extra content as possible.

Finishing the bunny girls are top priority and after that, I'd love to look at giving Haru a well-deserved costume.  I don't think there'd be much time left but after that, maybe looking at Raylene or some other characters who I still have ideas for.

It's also possible that later in the year, I come back to ToP just to add in some bonus NSFW content.  Nothing is really off limits but I do want to make sure I begin work on Sexy Quest soon!

== Sexy Quest ==

SQ is getting enough characters designed now that I think it's about ready to begin physical development.  I want to make sure I don't rush myself and put a deadline that's too strict so I'm aiming for a Summer release for the first build.  It's very possible that this ends up happening sooner, hence why this roadmap is only tentative.

In case you missed the update a month or two ago, I announced the next game that I'll be working on when Town of Passion is finished.  Sexy Quest will be inspired off of traditional JRPG's and it is set in the same world/universe before the events of Town of Passion!  I hope you all enjoy the story/adventures that will be had in this new game ;)


Hopefully this roadmap helps show what my plans are for Town of Passion, Sexy Quest, & this Patreon page as a whole.  Remember, ToP & SQ will be sharing this same Patreon page so rewards will shift to SQ when the time comes.

Thank you all so much for your support!  I hope to have some more specific release date info very soon and then the build should be coming out shortly after!  I'll see you all soon =D




I really excited about the Bunny Girls but I always wanted Ella to have a scene too. Maybe you have to get max goddess coins and buy something from her or something. Adds a reason to buy them from her.


It's super good news \(°v°)/ !!!