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Hey everyone!

This update is short & simple but that's because there's going to be a pretty busy couple months ahead for this Patreon page.  Let me explain:

== Big Announcement Soon ==

So this Valentines day (February 14th) I plan to officially announce the next big game that I'll be working on once Town of Passion comes to a close.

That new game is going to be held on this same exact Patreon page so don't worry about needing to follow a new page for information.  Current Patrons will also see their tier perks move over to that new game as well when it's ready to launch.

However, Town of Passion isn't finished quite yet so for a short time, this page will be in a bit of a transitional state where it will have information for both Town of Passion and this new game.

== Final(?) ToP Update ==

Sometime soon I will also make the post detailing more on the next update for Town of Passion: v1.0.0.

This update will likely be the last update to Town of Passion.  The reason I'm still really uncertain about that is because there are still a number of things I wouldn't mind adding to ToP and, if I need more time for the art of the new game to be finished, I might add another small update or two.

(Giving Akane a gold star quest started a slippery slope.  Originally just Mary & Rose were meant to have one.  I have ideas for the other 3 women too >_>)

I am very ready to move on to the next project so I'm going to try and contain myself haha.  This update will wrap up the bulk of the game and will also add a few little tweaks similar to what the final version of Zombie's Retreat had.  

When ToP is finished, it will remain a free-to-play game so no worries about a price tag being put on it.  $5+ ToP patrons will still get early access as usual!


That's everything for now.  I hope you all are excited about the new game!  It's still very early on in development but I'm really liking how the characters & themes are coming along.  Can't wait to share it with you all!

Thanks so much for your support!  I will see you soon with the announcement and then more ToP news as usual! =D



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