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Hey everyone!

Town of Passion - Beta 2.2 is now available to play!

IMPORTANT: Out of respect for all the $5+ Patrons and the team that works so hard on ToP, please refrain from sharing this build/link with others.

To download this build, click on whichever link responds to the platform you are playing on:



Note- You do NOT need Mega's premium service to download these updates.  The site navigation might be confusing but if you can click on these links, you should not have to pay any more money to get access to the update.


What a refreshing update to work on!  Each update usually evokes a varying stress level depending on how easy/hard the idea is to come up with along with how much work is required.  This update was a nice balance while also just being really satisfying to finish up.  It's not terribly long but at this point of the game, that's what I'm looking for; short & sweet quests that balance out the main story objectives.

I'm also really excited with how the Rose & Tana scenes turned out.  The hentai scene that inspired Rose's pose is an absolute classic so I'm happy to be able to pay respects to such amazing work.  But in addition, I'm also really happy that I finally got to polish up Tana's older scene.  It just hasn't aged well given the difficult nature of the pose for animation.

Moving forward, I'm still thinking there are two more updates left for ToP.  But meanwhile, there's still so much left I would like to do haha.  So maybe that number isn't 100% certain...  The major factor is how fast/far along the new game starts.  If it needs more time, maybe a third update could sneak it's way in.  This 'polishing' phase of ToP is very satisfying...


I hope you all enjoy this update!  Remember, if you find any bugs be sure to report them on the Discord.

Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you soon!




Two questions - 1 - At what point will there be a use for that special suite in the hotel/Inn? 2 - Is something set up with the Gor spirits so that they only appear one at a time? I've covered the whole map at least 4 times and have only found two of them and that was after moving to a new time of day.


1- The Special Inn has had a use for quite some time now. It involves a costume for a particular character. SPOILER ANSWER: Rose's Cupid costume 2- All 6 are available as soon as the quest starts. They are positioned in specific areas so you don't need to beat any other quests to find them. Make sure to check inside buildings as well! Hope this helps!


Would love to see a walkthru then. I've been in every building several times. Are they hiding in boxes or something?