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Download links updated from Beta 2.1.1 to Beta 2.1.2

Hey everyone!

Town of Passion - Beta 2.1 is now available to play!

IMPORTANT: Out of respect for all the $5+ Patrons and the team that works so hard on ToP, please refrain from sharing this build/link with others.

To download this build, click on whichever link responds to the platform you are playing on:



Note- You do NOT need Mega's premium service to download these updates.  The site navigation might be confusing but if you can click on these links, you should not have to pay any more money to get access to the update.


Remember, this update is NOT like the average update and is much shorter than usual.  This update is mostly meant to celebrate Zombie's Retreat reaching it's final release later this month but it also does add a little more to Rose's storyline as well.  Publishing such a short update feels weird but there was an update last month and should be one in November so consider it like a little snack ;)

If you are curious about how to begin the new ZR content- check the chest in the attic!  This side quest is designed to be accessible from an early point in the game so you won't need a post-story save file.  As usual, you can check the changelog for all of the new details!

Over the weekend, or for the public release, I will also be adding costume support for the ZR costumes.  I need some more time to figure out if they'll have any special function but I didn't feel it was worth delaying the build.  I will try and have that added in asap though!


Don't forget- the next main update should release next month in November!  It will focus on Flora's side questline and add another special Nyx costume! =D

Thank you all so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the update!  Be sure to check out Zombie's Retreat as well if it catches your interest!  You can find links to it here 




Links arent working