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Hey everyone!

Today I'm excited to share one of the main 'features' of the post-game updates that will be coming to Town of Passion over the next few months.

== All Star Costumes ==

There are a few bonus costumes for some of the villagers that I have wanted to share for quite a while and it's finally time!

Originally, these 'all-star' costumes were going to be their own update but I think it's better I spread them between each update because I don't think I can even show them haha.  So consider them a bonus surprise with most/all of the remaining ToP updates!

The All Star costume that will be in this upcoming update is for the silhouette on the left.  It's hard to tell (especially with the middle silhouette since the text blocks her hair) but there are subtle details in each silhouette that hints what or who these costumes are based off of.

At the moment, I'm planning for 3 more ToP updates so I think I'll go down the line with each of these costumes.

Also, in order to experience these, you will need to have beaten the main story so make sure that you have a finished save file in order to check these out!

== Release Date ==

This build should release in about 2 weeks, or the last week of August (27th?) so it's coming up quickly!  There are still many things left to do in this build although all of the art is finished!  

I'll have the official date known soon.  It may be a quicker update than expected so I don't want to drop a date and release it a week sooner.  Although I doubt anyone would really mind that...

I am now in the process of working with the new artist on content that will be coming up next.  It's a never-ending cycle of artwork and updates haha.  This month too, I am hoping to officially begin work on the new game that will replace Town of Passion on this page once it's ready to go and ToP is all complete!  I hope to share details with you all on that later this year!


And that wraps up everything with this update.  Thank you all so much for your support and I will see you soon with more info! =D




left: palutena, middle: I don't know, right: samus