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NOTE: Download link updated from Beta 1.9 to Beta 1.9.2

Hey everyone!

Town of Passion - Beta 1.9 is now available to play! 

IMPORTANT: Out of respect for all the $5+ Patrons and the team that works so hard on ToP, please refrain from sharing this build/link with others. 

To download this build, click on whichever link responds to the platform you are playing on:




It is done. (sorta)*

I haven't had this much fun working on an update to ToP in quite a while.  But knowing that the story and game that I've been building up for 3 years is finally reaching a conclusion really helped push me across that finish line!

The cutscenes and maps took quite a bit more time than I thought so there are a few minor things I wanted to include but weren't added just yet.  The vast majority of content that I wanted to include is all here!

Over the weekend, I will still be working to include things like the credits, repeatable NSFW scene, a new map, etc.  I didn't want to delay the release to include these since I don't feel they are necessities at the moment.

I hope you all enjoy this update.  It's been 3 years in the making so hopefully it's approaching the conclusion on a high note, haha!  If there are bits of story dialogue/details that aren't very clear, I will listen to feedback over the weekend and see if anything needs tweaked.  Also, if you notice any glitches, be sure to report them to me over on the Discord channel!

That's all for this update.  Thank you all so much for your support!

* - Still have at least 2 more updates planned for ToP so it's not done yet!




Really enjoyed this update! Great job as always


Can we get a save? For android, please.