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Hey everyone!

I've got a bit of a last minute update for everyone just to keep you all up to speed on the upcoming update!

So far the build is progressing very smooth.  I was hoping to have a surprise release on Friday for $5+ Patrons, however, I don't think that'll be possible.  Everyone's been giving it 110% but with the holidays in the middle, it's just a biiit too tight of a release schedule.

So instead, expect to see the build release some time next week!  The date will be somewhat of a surprise announcement as idk exactly how long it'll take.  But the build is on the way!  Keep this in mind as well with January starting.  Make sure to adjust your pledges as appropriate!

I want to give an extra special thanks to the artists & animators for ToP (and ZR) as they've been putting in some amazing work even around the holidays! <3

I also wanted to thank everyone for such a wonderful 2019!  Looking into 2020, this will be the last year for Town of Passion.  It will finally be getting the conclusion I've been planning for years now!  I want to thank everyone who's been a part of this journey.  Town of Passion changed my life and I'm sad to see it end.  At the same time, I'm stoked to move on to new ideas!


I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!  I will see you soon with the new update!




Merry Christmas Siren and suprise us quickly :)


When will the game be released?