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Hey everyone!

I want to update everyone on how this release is going.

== The Plans ==

tl;dr: The $5+ build will release Aug 30th (~noon EST) and will release to the public very early Monday morning, Sept 2nd. This is a 24hr delay compared to what was the previously targeted release date.

== The Reason ==

Across the board, this build is still a WIP. Art, sound, quests, etc all still need polishing and I'm worried that trying to squeeze an early release build tomorrow will just result in a sloppy build.

I apologize as I've heard a few messages of people looking forward to the build tomorrow which has made this announcement all that much harder to make. I'm sorry to disappoint but hopefully you can understand that this is a decision to prioritize quality over deadlines.

My apologies for the inconvenient news. I hope that the build makes the extended wait worth it. Thank you for understanding and supporting Town of Passion. =)


Haitham Alhazmi

No biggy take your time hopfully you fixed a the Rose issue in the Android version


Agreed take your time. Your games are great and worth the wait.