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Hey everyone!

A small update is available for WINDOWS devices only currently (Android will come later). If you have been affected by the Null Width error, this is another update for you. If you aren't affected, there's no need to download this update.

The download link on itch has been updated so you can find it there!


I got some excellent feedback from people previously affected by the Null Width error and it appears that the previous update (1.3.4) didn't fully solve the issue.

I went back and made some more changes to every scene: I'm using a new preloader plugin (bless lord Galv) and added a preset load time back to scenes.

I have good faith that this preloader plugin will work much better than my manual pre load attempts. However, I don't have any easy way to mimic playing on older hardware so as usual, I'm relying on your guys' feedback if you are affected by this issue.

Thank you all for your incredible patience as I work through these issues. Hopefully this build is 'the one' X_X


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