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It seems our hero has gotten himself into a sticky situation... Anyone want to help or are we just going to keep watching?


For the longest time, I've been struggling to figure out how to handle over world enemy interactions. I thought of doing short and sweet 'mini-scenes' when caught but there was never a good time to commission those and I worried they'd still disrupt the flow of gameplay.

With a new sprite artist, we now have some new options available! The Goo Girls (and other characters over time) will now have some over world interactions in more fast paced or bite-sized sections of the game.

The extra plus to this is that they are super easy to commission so I may open up some recommendations on Discord in the future for some of the villagers or other monster girl encounters.

I've posted another sprite teaser on my twitter as well and it's fully animated so be sure to check that out!


In addition, I believe I have a target date for the $5+ release of Beta 1.0! I'm hoping to have it released on December 21st! This is STILL an estimated date as I don't have solid confirmation on all of the art yet but it seems like a very doable time frame. I will let you all know as soon as I know! =)

Thank you all for your support and I will see you soon with more teasers!




Updated the image on this one to a gif! I realized the screenshot didn't show much of anything haha


Do we have to press a certain key to help the hero. I kinda don't want to. He seems hes enjoying himself. Unless were loosing a heart that is?


Nah, once a goo girl's got you pinned, their gooey pheromones keep you wanting more ;)