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Hey guys!  Just wanted to clarify the route of action now that the poll's done.

Surprisingly, the Beta 1.0 option took a sizable lead over the '0.9.5' option despite it starting off the other way around.

I've decided that the Beta 1.0 will be the next build!  This was the original plan so things work out a bit better this way.

KEEP IN MIND: The planned contents for '0.9.5' will STILL happen!  I just don't know exactly when.  It could be in 3/4 months, it could be 6/7, I'm not quite sure. 

Overall, this poll helped show me that a sizable amount of you guys enjoy sticking to the story currently which is good to know!  I often debate on whether or not you guys want new story content, or new side-story content for old characters.  I will still provide a balance of both, but the current focus is story!

Thank you all for your feedback!  I'll be posting more about Beta 0.9 very soon!  Been very hard at work on it currently and most of the art is finished!



Thanks for the info!! :D CHEERS (c)