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Soon!  Haha hey guys, just bringing in another update to let people know what's going on with the development of 0.7:

I'm planning on releasing 0.7 in mid-late May

Both artists have run into some personal things that have set estimates behind by a little bit.  One of them is going through a big move right now so that's why the date's moved from early-mid to mid-late May.  It's not really that big of a set back fortunately and it's given me plenty of time to make sure all of the events and gameplay feel pretty good.  The downside is it just means I can't give an exact date yet.

Hopefully that helps keep you guys a little more up to date on why the date's still been hazy despite the release coming "soon"

Thank you guys for your patience and support!  Tomorrow I will be posting the third and final new costume tease for $1+ tiers so look forward to that!  See you guys soon!




Please don't tell me you didn't put a cheat in for older guys who don't play video games?