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Hey guys! Gonna be discussing where I'm at right now with this build as well as what may or may not happen!

So for 0.6, it focuses on finishing Rose's story and polishing some things. It contains two new scenes, both drawn and animated by Professor.

Muffy is working on an upcoming Raylene scene but since I changed the plans for Raylene to be 0.7's focus, her work won't quite be ready yet and ALL of 0.6's scene content fell onto Professor's hands which is why this build feels a little smaller.

So 0.6, while it does have a bit more added to it, it's still a pretty small update and even then, it's not technically complete.

My question for you guys is, would you rather get the 0.6 build by the end of February with both scenes in but only one animated, or would you rather me wait until it's completely finished which would be in March?

Depending on how quick other content is done- it's possible that Raylene's 3 heart quest could be bundled in with this making 0.6 a hefty build. Not a guarantee, but I'd try and make it happen!

I'm also debating on releasing an incomplete 0.6 to $5 patrons only so you guys get content for the month and then skipping the public release until the more complete 0.6 or 0.7 in March. To shorten this choice, it's named 'option 3'.

Thanks guys!



I feel like we all would rather you take your time. I love you and your game, no need to rush it!


remember, no rushin'