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Hey guys!!  Progress on 0.5.5 is moving along, there's a ton of things behind the scenes that have been going on and I can't really specify things quite yet.  But none the less, we're progressing!

In the mean time, here is half of a special treat drawn by Cullen!!  I know the Holidays are long over but there's never a bad time of the year to be festive right?

There's a more NSFW version that will be in the game's gallery to purchase once 0.5.5 comes out!

Still aiming on the late Jan release, don't see any major set backs or delays happening so fingers crossed!  I'll see you guys soon!



Geth Who

Lookit that bounce, she's shaking it for her good boy.


Merry (Late) Christmas for the Man of Valencia. He gonna get a Sooper Dooper Treat, hmmmmm? :D CHEERS