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Renovations of the Bunny Manor are finally clearing up. While the whole thing isn't done yet, you'll be able to start the Halloween event through the Book of Tales in the lobby!

=== 0.4 Release ===

Is still not 100% confirmed! BUT, I am aiming for the $5+ Patrons to receive the game on Oct 25th so the game would go public on Oct 28th! Remember, these are rough estimates give or take 1 or 2 days!

The reason why the dates aren't finalized yet is because the final scenes are still on the fence with timing. I'm planning on having 3 H scenes in this update and Cullen is confident that he can get them done by the deadline.

However, his personal life is pretty crazy right now so if he isn't able to, one of the scenes will have to fall back for the next update (in November most likely). Delaying the Halloween update past Oct would be kind of... odd. So it would basically just be one scene carried over into the next update.

=== 0.5 and Beyond ===

Doing timely events like the Halloween content of 0.4 are incredibly fun and help build the world that I have envisioned for ToP. But I do still have my sights focused on continuing the plot for returning and new characters and there's a ton I still want to get done. With that said, the next seasonal/holiday event probably won't be until the Spring. I think the Christmas event is a little too soon.

While 0.5 isn't entirely mapped out yet, I want it to include about 3 or 4 scenes. It wouldn't make sense to split the build in two separate releases so it probably wouldn't be done until early/mid December; meaning no November content.

I was thinking of maybe releasing a 0.4.5 build in November that would just introduce 2/3 more busts and MAYBE a scene just to give you guys something for the month.

Let me know your thoughts! Patreon is a very 'monthly' site so I feel it's important to give you guys at least something once a month. But at the same time, our pace of content feels perfect for every ~1.5 months.

=== Self-Plug ===

www.twitter.com/SirensDomain - In case you want updates but can't/don't want to pledge, this is a free alternative ;)

Thanks for your support! And welcome to all of the new Patrons!





Sounds like most people are understanding about not always having monthly releases. I will still try my best to make it happen as often as possible! Also I will try and provide Goddess Tier rewards each month regardless. I have some bonus sketches that will be released shortly after 0.4's release!


Adjust your page a little so it wont get taken down.