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"Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to have the best Halloween costume."

Here's Aunt Rose's finalized costume for the Halloween update.  Of all 3 of them, this one is probably my favorite.  The blue hair turned out way better than I thought it would.  Although I will say, Cullen is almost done with Raylene's and her's looks pretty great as well!

Progress is moving along with the build and the art.  It's still too soon to announce a specific release date but hang in there, we'll get there!  

Don't forget to check out the new Discord as well!  It's a pretty chill place to hang out right now!  And as always, thanks for your support!!





Eeeeooooo updates are always exciting, minor tweak I would suggest is changing her ears/nails to match her eyes or vice versa? Thanks for another update as usual :D


Also feel I should mention, absolutely love the costume and you're right the blue hair surprisingly works! Although I wonder if you hide easter eggs in any of these sneak peaks :P


Where do I get the Discord link? I'm a 5 dollar supporter but I can't find it :/


You should only have to go somewhere on your profile on patreon and connect your discord account, it should automatically join the server afterward, if not then ask again and Siren can probably send you a link in a message.


I replied to your DM about it! Let me know if you were able to get it linked, otherwise just message me again and I'll manually add you!