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The merriest of Christmas to all of you my Goatlings! (And of course the best of holidays to those of you who don't celebrate Christmas)

To see so many of you still here after this rollecoaster year means so much to me, you quite literally have no idea. I wish I could just hug each and every one of you. You've been here not only through the big shitfest that was the year 2020, but also through my on-off health problems this fall and my slow productivity. To to do art for a living so suddenly wasn't exactly something I had planned, nor was it ideal from a financial standpoint, but just the fact I'm able to do this instead of driving buses during the pandemic... I'm so fricking grateful.

The beginning of 2021 is probably going to continue to be rough, but I'm keeping my hopes up for an overall better year than the one we've just survived. Health is on the mend and the sun is coming back to this cold north I live in too. All the good things.

So thank you again for this year. You made it not only bareable, but you literally helped me live through it. I wish every single one of you the very best <3


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