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Or well, probably just the same ol' me with a few upgrades, I hope :)
2018 was an intense year with a lot happening. I got married and started driving buses again to help build a home for the two of us. I even managed to find a new apartment to call our first home, moved into it...and 2 months later was evicted cause my landlady decided to sell the place instead. By a stroke of luck I got another more permanent place, and thanks to people's generousity and friends and fans banding together, I managed to raise enough funds for another move. Now all that's needed is to get the husband to move over to Sweden, and we're all set. Art wise I've learned a lot of new tricks, and am getting more comfortable drawing all sorts of things I never could've dreamed I'd be able to do at the start of the year. I closed down commissions indefinitely to increase the output of Patreon content and to clear my queue, and mostly that's gone as planned. I got most of the oldest commissions squared away, with just a handful left to go.
The tumblr excodus was also a thing of course, and I moved onto using my other platforms as a result. It was very sad seeing a platform I used to love shoot not only itself, but also its users in the foot, but in the end it seems to have had a good result in terms of follower engagement. You guys are popping up to say hi more and leave comments, and I'm loving all of it <3 Just letting you know that~
So... It's with hopeful eyes that I gaze into 2019!

What's next?
First off, I've done my annual raise of my commission prices, taking my limited amount of art time and higher rent into account. I always hate doing it, but its either doing that or driving more buses... and driving more buses does not equal a happy Emi, nor more art output ^^;; The people already in my queue have nothing to worry about , of course. The old prices still apply to your orders, and any edits you might want to make to them. The new prices apply to new orders only! You can view the new prices here.

With that said, I hope to start to reopen commissions again in a month or so, with 2-3 slots at a time. I want to keep them at a manageable amount where my Patreon output and stress levels doesn't suffer, and at the same time get back to 2-ish weeks turnaround time again. Not only do I miss drawing art for new clients (You guys challenge me so good sometimes!), but its also for financial reasons. Again, it's either this or driving more buses.. and I'll choose "drawing" any day of the week! I've gotten better at anthros lately, and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with for me to draw with that new skillset in mind, heh. I'd be immensely happy if I can get a streaming schedule going too. Cause streaming, while using up a lot of energy, is just so much fun! X3

Life wise, I hope to get my Goattrain to move in with me in 2019, or at the beginning half of 2020, but you never know with immigration. I also hope to be able to go to the last bronycon in August. Either sitting next to my husband at his table (if he decides to vend), or as a normal guest. It kind of comes down to wether or not my bus job will give me time off though. If it's all up to me, I wouldn't mind just strolling around, meeting friends and fans and just having a gool ol' time. We'll have to wait and see!

So, here we go!


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