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We just need a few days to prepare the models.




Finally, what I feared happened... Since from now on there will always be one of the 28(!) sets of the Goldfield Peasants I recently bought in a Frontier campaign plus some sci-fi things that are completely uninteresting to me, I have little hope that I personally find many interesting things in this Patreon channel over the next 2 1/2 years. Consequently, I will now have to consider whether the continuation of the patronage can pay me off in some way, which I very much regret as I generally like the content a lot...


We are really sorry that our view of content is different from yours. We're always want to give more to our patrons, and trying to do it with the current resources. All of the models from our campaigns on Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Frontier will be available for our patrons. Sooner or later.

Aaron Bono

I have thought about this as well and have to say this is a huge deterrent from joining in on the Kickstarters. I don't like paying for something twice. It would be nice if there was some substantial benefit to the Kickstarters, otherwise I may just keep the monthly Patreon and stop joining in on the Kickstarters. This isn't a complaint, just information so you know what your customers are thinking. Do whatever with this information you see is best for you.

Peter Korteman

Would it be possible to do some modern human casualties eventually? I think these would be great in modern zombie games.


Hello, I love your patreon since I saw it when I saw the addition of the dead from your kickstarter I was super happy and I hope to see people sitting down to follow suit. What a disappointment to see evocatus instead. Also I followed the last evocatus kickstarter where I lost my money since they didn't finish it. I don't think I'll lose my money a second time pursuing this patreon whose products I loved (fantasy), now there will only be a furniture set and the dead which we already have a good portion of that piques my interest. You have a huge talent and were offering unique pieces, you should have continued with that rather than incorporaating someone else's material (a dishonest guy at that).


Thinking about it for a long time... Not sure that it's a big demand for such kind of minis. But all of this zombie creepy stuff is so inspiring!

Peter Korteman

Maybe not but I think if designed well they might work with other modern games which would mean more interest.


I can’t seem to find the sword for the jester. Does the jester come with a sword to print🙂