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Adding more sounds to the horse and rider to make them feel more alive! In this video you can hear a new snorting or huffing sound on each canter stride that gets louder the faster the horse goes. In the future the loudness will also be tied to the horse's energy level and overall character (ie hot blooded horses might snort more when excited).

Ideally I would like to minimize the amount of UI elements the game uses to communicate about the horse to the player. For instance the energy level bar on the left might be completely replaced by different sounds, animations, behaviour, and visual changes (sweaty coat etc) which the player has to learn to read to know when their horse needs to cool down.

The obstacles in the forest are placeholders and will be replaced by cross country ones. The jump animation also has had some sound work.

Another addition you can see in the video are the new effects. Water, grass, and sand all create dust or splashes. Especially the water splashes are a lot better now than in the demo. When the horse snorts there is a faint "cloud" of air coming of its nose, however this effect is so subtle you might no see it in the video. Some effects might be disabled when playing with lower graphics settings.


Rylee pugliese

Is this game compatible with vr?

Mellissa Moore

no its not compatible with vr its a computer game srry