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I have begun experimenting with a new horse model and animations for the official game.

Given that the previous model was a 100% do-it-yourself creation it was quite unprofessionally made, even though to your eye it might have looked okay the reality is that especially its skeleton was limited and hard to animate with. This is a big reason to why I didn't add animations like rearing in the demo since I knew the skeleton was needing to be remade anyway. (The same animations cannot be used with a new skeleton.) The new horse will have a professionally built skeleton, which will make animating the horse much more convenient and the animations should look smoother and better overall. I have already bought a couple of skeletons to experiment with.

Here are some closeups of one experimental horse model and texture I've been playing with. I'm aiming to keep some of the cartoonish art style but add a lot more details to the horse's coat and a slightly "outlined" look, with an added an outline in the horse's shader as well. The pictures are what the work-in-progress texture looks like rendered inside the game engine (meaning that the picture represents what it actually looks like when playing with max graphics, no fancy ray trace rendering or anything).




i love yhem

Catherine Timmons

ik i'm a pretty late to respond, but your art style sounds a lot like star stable online. You could go there for inspiration