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I paid, but cannot access Patreon stuff in-game!

You need to install the Patreon demo version to access the exclusive content. The demo game cannot automatically know that you became a patron as it's not connected to the internet.

β†’ Download Patreon demo here ←

What if even after installing I STILL cannot access them?
Your computer likely has a security program or setting preventing the installer from writing over the free demo files. The fastest way to bypass this is to simply uninstall the free demo first - go to C:\Program Files and delete the Tales of Rein Ravine folder. Then run the Patreon demo installer again.

My browser says "file is not commonly downloaded".

Some browsers' anti-virus protection can be sensitive to the installer file and not let you download it.  Click the arrow and choose "Keep". If there's no arrow, try right-clicking. If this doesn't work, you can install Opera browser to download with.

Why does the demo get flagged as a security risk?
The installer files can get falsely flagged by anti-virus due to the fact that they show up as being from an "unknown publisher", or because the download link hasn't been used that much yet.

Windows protected your PC?

Windows can sometimes inaccurate flag the installer as a security threat. Press "More info" and  "Run anyway".

Why does the demo get flagged as a security risk?
The installer files can get falsely flagged by anti-virus due to the fact that they show up as being from an "unknown publisher", or because the download link hasn't been used that much yet.

Next volume is required. You need to have the following volume to continue extraction. Insert a disk with this volume...

First, make sure that all 3 files are in the same folder.

Next, check the file names. This is usually the problem. If you downloaded the same file many times, your computer adds extra numbers to the file names like (1) or (2). These numbers cause the installer not to recognize the other parts. You need to remove them.

For example, if the file name is TORR_09_Installer.part1 (1)
You need to remove the (1) and the space in front of it.
Correctly named file is therefore TORR_09_Installer.part1
The other files should then be called TORR_09_Installer.part2 and TORR_09_Installer.part3

Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost?
A D3D11-compatible GPU is required to run the engine?

The D3D errors are related to your computer's graphics card. Either the graphics drivers are outdated, or the graphics card is unsuitable for the game.

Update your graphics card drivers. The easiest way to update is with Windows' own updating tool (follow THIS guide).

If the the above doesn't find any updates, you have to manually install the drivers. To do this you need to know what graphics card your computer has. Type "dxdiag" to the computer's search bar, and open the app with a blue-yellow icon. In the "Display" tab there is the manufacturer of the graphics card.

Most manufacturers have automatic apps for installing the drivers.

If the manufacturer is...
NVIDIA, download THIS
Intel, download THIS
AMD, download THIS

If you tried everything above and the error persists, I have bad news. This usually means that your graphics card is not suitable for the game. If your a patron contact me in the messages or email horsegameexe@outlook.com

The following component(s) are required to run this program: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime"

Install the component from THIS link (direct download link from the official Microsoft site).

If the issue doesn't go away, contact me in the messages or email horsegameexe@outlook.com

Failed to open descriptor file

If you are getting this error, I have bad news.

The exact cause of this error is not known, and no specific fix has been found. What we know about this error, is that it typically appears on computers that have less ideal components for gaming (a weak graphics card, etc), and likely means that the computer is not suitable for running the game engine.

Some things you can still try are
1) Uninstall and reinstall the demo. Sometimes this issue is caused by a file getting corrupted during installation. First, uninstall by going to C:\Program Files and delete the Tales of Rein Ravine folder. Then run the installation again.
2) Install the latest C++ Runtime from THIS link
3) Update your graphics card drivers. Instructions on how to do this are above. ↑ (under the section "Unreal Engine is exiting...")
4) Right-click the game icon, and choose Run as Administrator.

If nothing helps, contact me in the messages if you're a patron.

This app can't run on your PC

This error typically goes away by checking the newest Windows updates available and installing them all:

-  Type Windows Update Settings to the search bar
-  Click button Check for updates
 Install all found updates

If the issue persists, contact me in the messages or email horsegameexe@outlook.com

I cannot install the game on a Mac or Chromebook

The demo is only compatible with Windows, not Macbooks or Chromebooks. The official game might be released for Mac one day, but the demo cannot be played on a Mac.

Buttons don't work (and game might look squished)

This means that the in-game graphics settings are incompatible with your monitor.

β†’ Watch video tutorial on how to fix ←

If the video doesn't help, contact me in the messages or email horsegameexe@outlook.com

Game doesn't save my progress
Or got a red text saying "ERROR: Cannot find save file"

This error indicates that something in your save file is corrupted. The game might've crashed the last time it was saving for instance. If you frequently experience this error, that would be an indicator of your computer not handling the game very well.

The first thing you should try is to simply quit the game and open it again. If you are unable to access the quit button, press ALT + F4 (this force quits the application). Sometimes reopening fixes the error and you can continue playing normally, though some of your progress might be lost.

If reopening doesn't fix it, then sadly the only way to go is by entirely deleting the corrupted save file, meaning all your progress will be lost. Locate the save file on your computer (TUTORIAL) and delete it.

If this didn't help, contact me in the messages or email horsegameexe@outlook.com

Game is laggy, or rider sticks to the saddle when jumping, or reins are stretchy.

Go to Settings and press a button Show/Hide FPS. If the FPS is lower than 30, you need to lower graphics settings.

To improve performance, close all other apps running in the background. For example having a Youtube video playing can make the game laggier. If you're playing on a laptop, plug it in.

If you are already playing with the lowest settings, and the FPS is still low, this means that your computer is not powerful enough to run the game.

I cannot make the horse trot or canter.

Are you playing on a laptop? Laptop trackpads usually don't allow you to simultaneously press both left and right mouse buttons. You need a mouse to play. If you do have a mouse, and you are still having this issue, please contact me in the messages.

I cannot figure out how to play in first person.

Press C while riding.

I cannot find the pictures I took with the photo mode.

The pictures are stored in the folder C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\TalesOfReinRavine\Saved\Screenshots. You need to have "Show Hidden Items" setting enabled on Windows to access the folder. If you need additional help, watch THIS TUTORIAL from 03:08 onwards.


Horse Tips

My computer glitches and there are black and white stripes through the screen that only happen whenever I open it. I've tried changing FPS and the thing about Epic, High, Medium, and Low, and it still happens.

Arabella Acland