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  • There are several riding lessons that teach you the basics of riding and jumping in Tales of Rein Ravine
  • Lessons can be replayed as many times as you want
  • 3 horses with unique personalities and stats, you unlock each horse after completing certain lessons
  • Both third person and first person modes are available to test
  • There is also a Free Riding mode that lets you do whatever you want in the arena
  • In Free Riding mode you can spawn obstacles in varying formations and change individual obstacle's height, or ride in a dressage arena
  • Optional setting 'Realistic Jumping' will let you only jump on stride and practise stride counting
  • You cannot fall off the horse or dismount
  • There is one map only (the winter mountain map)
  • You cannot leave the riding arena or visit other stables
  • No hunter jumping, cross country jumping, trail riding or dressage
  • Tack and riding outfits cannot be changed
  • No quests or story
  • Key bindings cannot be changed
  • Demo requires a windows PC computer to run, with windows 10 or 11
  • Both left and right buttons of your mouse must be working
  • Laptop trackpad can be used but not recommended, mouse is used to look around while riding
  • Graphics quality can be lowered significantly if needed, but a decent computer may still be required to run smoothly (10 year old laptop likely won't do it). The game needs to run at minimum 30 frames per second, lower than that will start causing issues with riding gameplay (horse responds to cues slower than its supposed to, doesn't notice jumps fast enough -> lot of refusals). If the demo version does not run on your computer at 30 fps even with the lowest settings then I unfortunately cannot recommend buying the full version of the game for that computer.
  • There will likely be some bugs especially in the first version that you guys get to test. When bugs are found I will do my best to fix them in the upcoming demo uploads. If you have small suggestions I might add those as well. When I release updated versions of the demo please note that you will have to replay the lessons from beginning in each version.
  • The visual look of the game, environment, animations, horses, riding mechanics et cetera are not a perfect representation of the final game but an approximate. The demo itself works as an open beta / testing version for the full game and its mechanics. Feedback from the demo will be taken into account when continuing the work on the game.


hailey wooster

i still cant go into first personπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ, im pressing "c". im not sure, but it may just be a bug for me


i also wonder how to see in first person