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In this video I'm riding in the arena up in the snowy mountains 🀩

New riding features have been added. You can now switch up a gait instantly by tapping both legs at once (both mouse buttons down at the same time). If you double tap the horse will do a walk-to-canter or stop-to-canter transition. To stop instantly at any time you need to use a total of 3 buttons: A and D (left and right rein) and S (slow down button).

Horse can now be scared of an obstacle. Some horses won't be scared of anything, some are more careful. In the video the horse is scared of jumps with wooden boxes. You need to encourage a scared horse with leg aids to make it jump. This happens by keeping both mouse buttons down before jumping.

If this made you confused I recommend watching an older Youtube video where I play the original version of the riding tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCcIqMnlGqs. The basic riding controls (reins and legs) are explained there. The riding techniques explained here are more advanced stuff.


Mountain riding arena and new riding features | PATREON

'Tales of Rein Ravine' is a new indie equestrian game in the making. The focus of the game is to bring you a totally new equestrian game experience with realistic riding mechanics and a variety of horses with unique temperaments. The game has previously gone by the working title 'Horsegame.exe'. As of now the game is confirmed to have at least showjumping and cross country disciplines.



i bought it now how do i play it

Sylvie Peterson

It was kind of confusing to start playing but how i did it is I downloaded both of the files on there main page. Once I downloaded it I put it in a folder and it was pretty straight forward from there. There is a pretty helpful video on youtube ( not my video) but I was able to get it up and running pretty soon after that.