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I'm so excited to share you a snippet of the dressage showing feature! A while back I posted a video about the dressage lessons, and at that time already had in mind that the same system should be easy to adjust for tests as well.

In dressage shows, just like the showjumping ones, you aren't allowed to use the riding meters - stride length, gait, or even the roundness meter. Paths for the dressage figures won't appear on the ground, unlike in lessons where there is a faint path. However in the lower levels you will be able to see the test sheet on the right side of the screen, which shows the previous, current and upcoming steps. The correct letters for each step also turn pink. When you get to the higher levels, at some point you do lose the ability to see the test sheet during your round though, will only see it at the beginning in full. Then at Grand Prix level even the letters won't change colors anymore and you have to ride entirely without assistance!

Your scores show up in real time on the dressage sheet. The first number represents path following accuracy, the second one is gait accuracy, and the last one is by default roundness, except when the step includes a special move (such as extended trot) then it is the score for the special move. A certain level of roundness is a always requirement for the horse to perform the move you want, which is why it doesn't need to be scored separately during special moves.

The scoring follows real-life dressage scoring in the sense that it is almost humanly impossible to get a 10 or 0 in any of the categories, except maybe gait. Typical scores should be in the 6-8 range and 9 is already an amazing score.

Some things are missing from this video. Your accuracy is meant to be tested in-between the figures too, this just hasn't been implemented yet. The full dressage sheet will be available for you to read beforehand, and after finishing the round you will see the full sheet filled with your scores.

Additionally, a feature to create your own dressage tests might become a thing in the future. This wasn't originally something I thought would be possible, however I have managed the automate the dressage system to a point where I'm reconsidering the possibility. The system now works by simply typing the lines ie "Ride a volte in collected canter at [E]" - it scans the text for keywords and automatically creates everything based on those. After every possible figure and move has been added to the system, it is going to be extremely fast and easy to create new tests.

Lastly, I do have some sad news too. The Tales of Rein Ravine first Steam launch was planned for the 19th of July, but it will experience at least a two-week delay. I will post an updated date as soon as I know!


Andrew Williams

has the full release come out yet or just the demo?


Just the demo, early access coming out in few weeks


I love how the competitions provide actual challenge and the whole experience is something you have to learn and improve upon compared to the usual hit a button at the right time sort of gig, so much more immersive and engaging i cant wait