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Addition to the jump striding mechanic! Since the realistic striding feature is no longer optional in the main game (though it does come with a difficulty setting) I've been trying to come up with the best solutions to explain it to the players who lack IRL riding experience.

This new green light indicator that I call "Hoofbeat" shows the current canter lead and the rhythm at which it hits the ground - the most ideal to jump would be at the beat. The indicator is mainly used during lessons but otherwise can be turned off. During competitions it's not allowed.

In dressage training these indicators are similarly used to help the player understand when certain cues should be given. For example to get your horse rounded you need to do half-halts to the beat of the stride (if you look at the horse icon on the left, which I colored the same green as the indicator - this widget fills up as the horse's roundness level increases).

Since my previous video, the rider's animations have also had some tweaks based on the feedback you have given.


sierra coursey

the back left hind leg strikes first in the canter for the right lead. and the right hind strikes first for the left lead. It would be more accurate for the indicator to highlight the strike off leg for jumping & the dressage mechanics. As that’s what we do irl for movements in the canter tourπŸ˜‹

Lucie Daminette

What applications can support opening the case ?