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Another post today! In this video you see a horse that is squeamish on fences (it's set to be scared of all the fences in the video) but instead of outright refusing, it tries to run out to the sides to avoid jumping. If you do get it jump to it also takes very exaggerated jumps.

There are a few ways the player can deal with this. For example, the horse will always try to run out to the side of it's canter lead. Keeping the horse "on the bit" by doing half-halts (a link to an earlier post explaining this in more detail - it's mainly a dressage feature) can make you more prepared to react, as the horse will not switch canter leads on its own while rounded. A faster pace might also help as the horse has less time to yield before the jump, same with intentionally approaching the fence from an angle. Another way would be to approach fences in trot, as the running out behavior only happens when cantering, though you would still have to switch to canter a little bit before takeoff.

There will likely be other things implemented later that prevents this behavior as well, similar to what we had in the demo with keeping the legs pressed.

Additionally, some of the animations have been tweaked since the last video.



This is so cool! I absolutely love all the details in the game mechanic and personality of the horses like this you have been working on and just simply thinking of putting in! This is such a nice change in pace compared to ste standard where the horse simply refuses cause you messed up your timing!


Oh my golly gosh this is so cool! Love that you're making it realistically challenging and I'm really looking forward to getting to know the quirks of all the horses! I'd wish for an "excitement" variable of some kind, which makes a horse more likely to run out or having to settle them down before taking them round a course. But that would be an absolute pain to make and the game is already looking to be ground breaking as is! Thanks for all the updates the last few days :)