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Hey guys. I've been thinking a lot now that the More comic is coming to an end.

Thoughts about a new comic project. Something that is different, but still captivates me.

I had 2 ideas. But you might be disappointed in the end because it wouldn't be the hardcore porn you're used to through (More).

Are you only supporting me because it will make the porn comic go faster?

Would you also support ecchi, which wouldn't even be in Feral form?

Would it even have to be erotic in nature for you?


Hey Leute. Ich habe mir viele Gedanken gemacht, jetzt wo es mit dem More Comic langsam dem Ende zugeht.

Gedanken über ein neues Comic Projekt. Etwas was anders ist, mich aber dennoch fesselt.

Ich hatte 2 Ideen. Aber es könnte sein, das ihr am Ende enttäuscht seid, weil es nicht der knall harte Porn mehr sein würde, den ihr durch (More) gewohnt seid.

Unterstützt ihr mich nur weil es dadurch mit dem Porn Comic schneller voran geht?

Würdet ihr auch Ecchi unterstützen, was nicht mal in Feral form wäre?

Müsste es für euch überhaupt erotischer Natur sein?



I always wanted to support you for all the work you put through and as a thank you for being here, many got inspired by you and I would try my best to keep supporting no matter what 💖


I love your artwork and I actually kindof dislike some of the themes of the current comic, I would totally be fine with SFW comics or whatever else you would want to draw <3


I'll vote for most nsfw art from you. Though I understand you'll draw sfw stuff as well


Solange das keine Diskussion über Tentakeln gibt... :-P ;-)


Also ich liebe einfach nur Pornos...