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Ich weiß das es dauern wird. Es nervt nur, das es immer jemand schafft, diese Wunden wieder auf zu reißen.
Vertrauen? Anderen Menschen zu vertrauen fällt mir allmählich immer  schwerer. So viele sind hinterhältig oder auf ihren eigenen Vorteil aus,  ohne Rücksicht auf Andere.

Mit der Skizze wollte ich ausdrücken was ich zur Zeit empfinde.

I know that it will take time. It's just annoying that someone always manages to tear these wounds open again.

Trust? Trusting other people is becoming more and more difficult for me. So many are sneaky or out for their own advantage, without consideration for others.

With the sketch I wanted to express what I feel at the moment.




i'm sorry people do this ruki :(


Hopefully one day you'll find people you can trust without that fear. Wishing you the best.


I know what it feels like. All you can do is be the best person you can and never stop striving to be better. Sometimes you get dealt a bad situation, and there’s not always going to be something you can do about it. That’s just life. Never give up, good things will always come to those who are patient.


Trust is like a gemstone. it takes a long time to make a second to break and is almost impossible to repair once broken. That being said trust unbroken can be a beautiful thing. I have had trust broken and dreams shattered. Gathered up the pieces and made a lantern to light my way. There are those you can trust. In time your heart will heal. Take my lantern if you need to light your way. May the moon light your path and the stars weave silver in your dreams .