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Any criticism for a budding photographer is death to creativity. When I started my photographic journey, I was always worried about criticism, what they would write about me when reading the comments. My photos are my soul and pride, and if someone decides to evaluate them below the plinth, it is at least a blow to the heart.

Now I react very calmly to criticism, because it is impossible to please everyone. Of course, sometimes it is not easy to tame your inner photographic ego, but maturity in the world of photography comes with the years, and I have realised that photography, as an art, is subjective. After all, someone thinks Picasso is a genius and someone else says they are children's pyjamas compared to his fridge.

For example, someone wrote a comment - "Terrible photo" under your photo. And you, as a creator, immediately get upset. But let's think, maybe the person who wrote it, he is in a bad mood or the monitor does not transmit all the beauty of colours? There are many variants why people behave this way. Maybe he just hasn't seen real art for a long time and thinks that photography is a photo selfie in the mirror in the toilet?

And then there are just toxic people who really like to spoil others' moods. They, like mosquitoes at a summer barbecue, will always be there to infringe on your photographic pride. But, you know, friends, don't take it personally. No matter how great your shots are, there will always be someone who won't like them.

At the end of the day, photography is not only an art, but also a way of expressing yourself. And as with any art, there is room for diversity and opinions. So, dear photographers, don't hide your creative aspirations for fear of dislikes. Let your photographic life be bright, diverse and, of course, with a little bit of humour. After all, as the famous photographer Ansel Adams said, "Photography is not what you see, but how you see it." So let's look at the world through the lens of our unique camera and fuck those dislikes :)



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