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Hey all!

It's been a few years of learning Blender, but I still haven't learned my lesson with using cloth simulations. It took a lot of bakes, a lot of tweaks, and a lot of crashes, but I finally figured out how to simulate a more-or-less legit stretch effect. I think that I've kinda capped out Blender's native cloth capabilities when it comes to stretching, and I might look into other programs that can handle cloth a bit better when I really need that extra 'oomph'. 

On top of that, apparently Blender 4.0 has this neat feature where it loves to crash every 5 rendered frames, so I had to bump back down to 3.6.5 to get it to render right. Thankfully I wasn't using many of 4.0's exclusive features, but it still took a lot of time to diagnose and retrofit the scene to the older version. 

At any rate, I was finally able to render out the animation, and while it's not super long, I'm glad to be back in the animation sphere. I'll be looking to add sound to the animation tomorrow, and I'm planning to release the animation on Friday. I really appreciate you guys' patience as I get back on track, and I think you'll like this homage to a long-lost meme (like 2 months, but shiz moves fast nowadays). 




Oh yeah you know I love sombra being a sassy girl with her hacking powers! Excellent work here! Even if this is just a wip!